Some situations you
might currently be in...
I put the wrong details. What should I do?
- We highly emphasize throughout the process to always check and ensure the accuracy of details because it might be hard to undo the transaction. In case this happens, please contact our support.
How do I know if the payment pushed through?
- Some service providers and billers have their own applications so you can track your payments and you can check. On our end, we can only confirm if your transaction pushed through on our end so please contact our support if you want a record of this.
The biller is deactivated.
- There might be maintenance ongoing or some problems encountered that the team or the service provider is currently fixing. We apologise for this and in case this persists in the branch of choice, please contact and report to our support.
I paid extra money and I need my change.
- Since we do not dispense change, this goes to your MySukli account that you can use for your next transaction or claim through your GCash account. Please contact our support so we can guide you step by step.